“See what large letters I make when I am writing in my own hand! [Galatians 6:1]
Towards the end of Galatians, Paul stops dictating a letter to a scribe and begins writing by hand. He then calls attention to his own “unprofessional” handwriting as a way to claim authority. It seems like Paul knows a hand written note is more personal than a professional note. So to increase the intimacy and legitimacy of his letter, he adds a handwritten note to the end of his letter.
In today’s high tech age, one of the rarest and most personal things we can receive is a handwritten note. When is the last night you received a handwritten letter? What did it mean to you? Today I encourage you to write a note or a letter to someone who has been important in your life.
God help us reach out to others in ways that encourage intimacy, connection, and conversation. Help us grow closer to others through our communications so that we can build the Beloved Community. Amen.