Lenten Reflection by Fran Bogle
March 8, 2017
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
Creating safe space means standing bravely together with people and the planet to call and work for justice. It is remembering that I have times that are oases in the struggle, and responding over and over again to God’s call to be active in the world.
No Middle Ground
There’s no middle ground in the struggle for justice. There’s no Romulan neutral zone in this galactic quest for equality. There’s no DMZ with its illusion of safety. If you aren’t with us, your silence places you against us. Silence lets the cries of the ignorant, the bigots, the hate filled, wound and deafen us. Your unwillingness to act as you take the time to “Decide” let’s those who are committed to acting against us do hurtful, harmful, horrible things.
You have the privilege to wait and wonder, to ponder and pontificate, but don’t fool yourselves.
We are fighting for our lives. There is no middle ground. Your silence, Means death for me.
Holy lover of us all, give us the courage to act bravely in your name. Amen