Dear Church,
It’s hard to believe that it has only been 18 months since I began my time here as your associate pastor. Together, we have been through much: successfully navigated a church merger, went on a service trip, had the best Christmas pageant ever, and started up a new worship service. We studied the bible together, made crafts, and planted gardens. Doing these things with you taught me so much; I know that I am a better pastor and a better person for having spent time here at Edwards Church. For your part, as a church y’all are more ready than ever to face the future, clear in vision and purpose, financially stable, and dedicated to one another and the life of the church.
What will stick with me the most from my time here is not, however, anything that will go on my résumé. Rather, it will be the relationships that we built together. It will be the tender moments and hugs at funerals, or in bible study, the laughs around a mug of tea and a piece of banana bread at coffee hour. I will remember the prayers we said for each other in Joys and Concerns and the deep conversations about faith and life that I had with children and youth.
I would like to reiterate my deep and sincere gratitude for my time here, to each and every one of you. You have a wonderful thing going here in North Framingham. Treasure it. I know that I have.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Rev. Shane Montoya