20180923 bulletin
A Thought for Reflection
We are faced with having to learn again about interdependency and the need for rootedness after several centuries of having systematically—and proudly—dismantled our roots, ties, and traditions. We had grown so tall we thought we could afford to cut the roots that held us down, only to discover that the tallest trees need the most elaborate roots of all.
—Paul L Wachtel
God Gathers Us
Prelude various settings from “L’Organiste” Cesar Franck
Greetings and Announcements
Passing of the Peace
Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
* Hymn of Praise “To You, O God, All Creatures Sing” NCH 17
Call to Worship
Leader: To You, O God, all creatures sing!
Organ: [The flutes sing]
People: Let us join the flutes and the silver moon with its softer gleam, singing God’s praises.
Organ: [The strings sing]
People: Let us join the strings and the clouds sailing across the sky, singing God’s praises.
Organ: [The reeds sing]
People: Let us join the reeds and the flowing waters, crystal clear, singing God’s praises.
Organ: [The organ sings]
People: Let us join the organ and whole planet earth, singing God’s praises.
All: We join all creation, singing praise and worshipping our Creator!
Prayer of Invocation and Lord’s Prayer
* Sentences of Praise (Please stand for the Sentences of Praise and Gloria.) (From Psalm 92)
Leader: It is good to give thanks to you, O Holy One, to sing praises to your name;
People: To declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night,
Leader: To the music of the lute and the harp,
People: To the melody of the lyre.
Leader: For you, O God, have made me glad by your work;
People: At the works of your hands I sing for joy.
* Gloria NCH 756
Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!
Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!
Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!
Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
Spirit of God, breath of life, you move through our music; you move through our community; you move through our lives. You bless us with varieties of gifts. Forgive us when we take them for granted. Forgive us when we fail to value those gifts, assuming we have nothing to contribute. Forgive us when we don’t use our gifts in harmony with one another.
Teach us, we pray, to use our gifts to serve you, to make beautiful music, to bring hope and healing to our world. Amen.
Assurance of God’s Forgiveness
Response (in unison) NCH 286
Spirit, spirit of gentleness, blow through the wilderness, calling and free,
Spirit, spirit of restlessness, stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.
God Meets Us in the Word
Words with the Young People Dawn Sorensen
Litany of Re-Dedication of Our Organ
Youth: Make a joyful noise!
Choir: Bless this organ, God of beauty.
Congregation: Bless your people, those who play it, those who helped restore it, those who enjoy it, that we may revel in beauty. (Organ response)
Youth: Make a joyful noise!
Choir: Bless the organ’s wind supply and wind chests, that air may move through them steadily.
Congregation: Bless your people, that your Spirit may breathe through us.
Choir: Bless the organ’s pipes—all sizes and shapes, pitches and tones—that each one’s voice may resound.
Congregation: Bless your people—all sizes and shapes, gifts and talents—that each one’s gifts may be treasured. (Organ response)
Youth: Make a joyful noise!
Choir: Bless the organ’s console—keys and pedals and stops—that they may work in careful combination to create harmony.
Congregation: Bless your people with a spirit of wise cooperation, that we may live in harmony.
Choir: Bless the organ’s stop action and key action, that its intricate connections may be strong.
Congregation: Bless your people, that our web of relationships may be resilient. (Organ response)
Youth: Make a joyful noise!
Choir: Bless this organ, that our music may bring glory to you, O God.
Congregation: Bless your people, that our lives may bring glory to you, O God. (Organ response)
Youth: Make a joyful noise!
All: Alleluia!
* Hymn of Preparation “When in our Music God is Glorified” NCH 561
The Hebrew Bible Lesson Isaiah 42:5-10a (Pew Bible, p. 584)
The Anthem “For All the Saints” arr. Christopher Willcock
The Epistle Lesson Ephesians 3:14-21 (Pew Bible, p. 950)
The Sermon “Rooted, Wrestling, and Rising” Rev. Dr. Deborah Clark
Call to Prayer
Celebrations and Concerns
Silent Prayer
Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and Petition
God Calls for Our Gifts
Our Offering to God
Offertory “IV – Adagio” from Symphony No 5 Charles Marie Widor
* Doxology (Lasst uns erfreuen) NCH 17
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia, Alleluia.
Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
* Prayer of Dedication
God Sends Us Into the World
* Hymn of Dedication “Great is Your Faithfulness” NCH 423
Charge & Benediction
Postlude Antiphon 5 “How Fair and Pleasant Thou Art” Marcel Dupre from Vêpres du commun des fêtes de la Sainte Vierge, Op.18
Coming Up at Edwards Church