Christian Education has lots of happy things planned for February! The early elementary class will be exploring the story of Jesus’ baptism throughout February. On February 8 at 5:30pm, we will gather in Susan Dickerman Hall for an intergenerational game night, complete with board games and Chinese food! Bring your favorite board game and come play with us! This family-friendly event is open to all, and there will be a suggested donation of $5 per adult. On February 24, the Christian Explorers will have a pajama party during church! We will learn about what it means to come just as you are, and how God welcomes each of us no matter what! There will be more fun things coming up in March. Watch this space….
The coming month is packed full of fun and interesting intergenerational activities as we celebrate our theme for Lent of Connecting Generations: Nurturing a Spirituality of Intergenerational Relationships. To kick things off, we have the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and two Ash Wednesday services. The 7:00pm Ash Wednesday service at Plymouth Church will be led by our confirmands.
We will be experimenting with a new idea this year called Pew Partners. These partners will be a pair of church members, a young child and an adult mentor who will sit together during worship. Pew Partners will learn and teach about church, about what happens in worship, and hopefully they will become “church buddies,” as a way of building strong church community relationships.
Other exciting things that are coming up during Lent are youth co-liturgists and rearranging our worship program so that children can be present for the anthem. It promises to be a great way to experiment with our commitment to inclusion for all, no matter young or old, no matter where you are on your faith journey.
Dawn Sorensen, Interim Director of CE