Dear friends,
Each year, during Lent, we offer a Daily Devotional, with reflections written by church members and friends. This year’s reflections, based on the theme “Connecting Generations,” seem exceptionally profound. They reveal the power of intergenerational relationships to enrich and transform our lives. Here are a few excerpts:
“During my adolescent years, dad and I would take long historic walks (we didn’t own a car) around Boston and Cambridge. Not much was being said about feelings but I could feel them in his presence. Those experiences help me to appreciate a smile and the affirmations of others.”―Frank Carney
“Ruth has taught me to live each day with gratitude, courage and faith.”―Bette Norton
“Something helpful and holy lies like a fragrant spell/ Twixt the cover of Grandmother’s Bible, whose pages she loved so well.”―a poem found by Ginnie Hatch
“Of course, thinking one has one’s act together is the surest sign that one doesn’t, and parenting brought home to me the fact that all of those things I thought I had dealt with were still there, dormant, awaiting the stimulus to come out of hiding and make me face them once again.”―Willie Sordillo
“One of my fondest memories of my Nana was when she took me with her to the polls in November of ’44 so she could vote. I can still see her in her dark longish dress and coat, stylish hat and high button shoes. She told me she had marched in the city when she was young to push for the women’s right to vote.”―Norma Hart
“He exuded passion both off-stage and on―the consummate example of a human who became something beyond himself anytime a podium was underfoot. …he wore his heart on his tuxedo sleeve and taught us to turn that passion during performance into an openness of soul that would accompany us in all our future adventures.”―Rick Seaholm
“I asked Jacob when he first figured out that he and Ellie were buddies. ‘It seems like it’s always been that way,’ he said. I guess he’s probably right about that, who am I to say anything different?”―Dawn Sorensen
“Grampa Landro gently hugs and sh-sh-sh’s me and says, “See what I can do!” He opens his mouth and I see all his top false teeth fall to the bottom of his mouth! I am amazed. Wonder replaces horror. Wasn’t that marvelous?”―Pat Martin
I loved Gramps so much and he never left me any doubt as to how much he loved me.”―Ruth Carney
This is only a taste of the many powerful stories we have told one another this Lenten season. May we be inspired by these stories to keep reaching out to strengthen our connections across generations. May our lives be enriched and transformed as we come to know one another more deeply.
Peace, Debbie