A Lenten Devotion by Ginnie Hatch
“Passport to Chesed:
Celebrating Lovingkindness in Three Faiths”
An exploration of similarities and differences through intergenerational and interfaith friendship
What does God require of you? Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Micah 6:8
Metrowest Jewish Day School comes about once a month to bring generations together here at Shillman House. The program centers on getting to know each other through stories, games or activities requiring teams of different ages.
This year the topic has been the three Abrahamic faiths. One month Debbie came and talked about our Christian faith and answered questions. The children are middle-school age and some are very knowledgeable about Christianity as well as their own Hebrew Bible. Another month a Muslim woman came and explained the Islamic faith. The following month a Rabbi came. We then thought of all we had learned and charted them to see the similarities and differences.
Thank you, God, for the opportunity to be with these students and the diverse residents here to learn more about each other and share our values and beliefs. Amen