A Grove of Trees
Again, this year, Edwards Church will create our own Lenten Devotional, with a reflection available each day during Lent (via email, paper, Facebook, and on the website).
We need your creativity to make this happen! Your reflections could be in the form of a prayer, a poem, a paragraph, a photograph, or something we have not yet imagined!
Our theme this year is “A Grove of Trees.” The theme is inspired by our growing awareness of the ways trees support one another—actually feeding each other and sharing information through their roots, creating their own microclimates (with evaporation of water and by enriching the soil), and offering each other shade needed to grow stronger.
Your Lenten Devotion could take many forms. Here are a few ideas:
- Submit a photograph or a drawing of a tree or a grove of trees you love.
- Tell a story about a tree or a forest—if it fits, consider using one of these words: witnessing, nurturing, connecting, protecting, grounding, sheltering, supporting, remembering
- Talk about what helps you feel “rooted,” or what helps you reach for the sky.
- Talk about a person who has nurtured and nourished you—perhaps through shared roots or by offering you shade or support in tough times.
Your reflection does not need to be long. If you have a picture, you might choose to have only a very few words. In general, written reflections should be 200-500 words.
We try to begin each reflection with a short scripture passage and end it with a short prayer. If you don’t have a scripture passage in mind, no worries! Debbie or Karen Nell can suggest one that will fit your words! Likewise, we can help you with the closing prayer.
If you’ve never done this before and want some help, we’d also be happy to talk an idea through and take notes on the conversation to get you started!
Please sign up to write a devotion on the sheet in the hallway, by speaking with Debbie, or by signing up online.