Sunday, May 17
5:00p.m. Spiritual Soup Supper; 5:30 p.m. worship via Zoom
Pentecost ~ Finding good news in anxious times…What can we learn about our faith in such anxious and uncertain times? Now as we socially distance, the seasons and other familiar rituals of our faith are being offered in new and creative ways. These experiences evoke a range of emotions and are powerful expressions of our connectedness. In the midst of this new reality is a “divine“ opportunity to deepen our spiritual lives and understanding of faith and practice. Join us at 5:00 p.m. for a time for reconnecting, chatting and checking in with one another. Then, at 5:30, we’ll move into worship with music, readings, food for thought, conversation and prayer. Please feel free to invite others to join us. If you have a particular prayer concern, please let us know at In this time, our connection in community is more important than ever. We look forward to being together. In the meantime, may you be safe and well and surrounded by God’s love.