Dear friends,
The Stewardship Team (Liz Garrigan-Byerly, Debbie Roy and Debbie Clark) invites you to join us on a journey of imagination.
Imagine Edwards Church as a ship—small enough to maneuver through the narrows, large enough to hold all of us, with plenty of room to invite friends and neighbors and strangers.
We are a sailing vessel; the energy that moves us forward comes from the winds of the Spirit. We are seaworthy; we have taken good care of this ship for many generations, repairing and restoring, updating and strengthening. We know how to weather a storm, for we have been through them before.
We, the members and friends of Edwards Church, are the crew. Everyone is needed, for we each bring particular gifts and passions. We work together and we help each other. We are flexible, learning new skills to adapt to new situations. When we face uncharged waters, we come together to figure out a plan.
We are not the only ship on this sea. When we encounter another vessel, we share information and logistics and support. When we see a boat in distress, we go out in our life-rafts and offer whatever help we can. Sometimes we send crew members out to help shore up another ship; always we welcome new friends on board.
Although we are 193 years old, we have been through many restorations. We are a modern sailing vessel. We draw upon the latest knowledge and the most up-to-date navigation systems; we also rely on ancient wisdom to guide us. When the night is dark and the sea is rough, we look to the stars. We notice where we are in relation to the constellations. We do our best to keep the star of Christ in front of us, for we know it will guide us on the way of hope and love and purpose.
The Stewardship Team hopes you will be inspired and energized by our theme for this year: “Sailing by Starlight.” During the month of November, we will reflect together on our shared voyage, drawing upon biblical stories of storms and seas and ships. We will hear from some of our Edwards Church crew members about what this ship means to them. We will enjoy inspiring music—a new studio choir anthem, a couple duets, and a sea chantey with original words. We will gather for a virtual congregational meeting to hear more about the inner workings of the ship. You will receive a mailing (by USPS and by email) with a pledge card and an invitation to pledge how you hope to support this ship in the coming year.
On November 22 at 10:00 a.m., we will come together (virtually, of course) as the crew of this sailing vessel to give thanks for the wind and the sea and the generosity of the congregation, as we dedicate our pledges.
See you on the sea!