We had a wonderful Advent and Christmas culminating in our Christmas Eve virtual pageant. Thanks to everyone who participated! Epiphany will lead us to explore what it means to “go home by another way,” as the Magi did so long ago. Our Christian Explorers will learn about our call to care for God’s creation and make connections with children in other parts of the world.
Here are some special events and projects to look for Christian Explorers this month…
- Caring for Creation. We’ll think about our call to take care of the environment and all of God’s creatures. What are our favorite animals, and how can we work for eco-justice?
- Filling our penny jars. It’s time to start filling the penny jar so that we can help others in the new year. Each family is invited to create a penny jar at home and add loose change each Sunday morning as part of their offering
in worship. - Sunday Afternoon, February 6, Save the Date! We’ll gather up at Edwards Church for another fun family, in-person, socially distanced event. Watch for more details to come.
- “Let me tell you a story” Library. Children’s stories recorded by your friends from Edwards Church and slide shows of church events from the last year are available for viewing anytime by members of our congregation. You can access the Edwards Church library here.