Easter Fellowship Hour—Help Needed!
On Easter Sunday, following our worship service, we hope to have an outdoor fellowship hour. There will be chalk for drawing, circles of chairs for visiting, a fire pit for warming our hands, and tasty treats. We need volunteers to bring treats; even more, we need volunteers to help with a simple set-up and clean-up. Please speak with Debbie if you are willing to help.
Sabbatical Plans
From April 23 to May 21, Debbie will be away on the first month of her sabbatical (the second month will be in February 2022). During that time, Karen Nell, Rick and Nicola will be joined by several guest preachers, including Cindy Maybeck and Fran Graveson. Debbie will be in New Mexico to visit family and attend a nature retreat, and then on the Cape biking and kayaking and doing research and writing for our Resilience in Community project.
April Fools Spring Splash for Refugee Relief in Ukraine
Friday, April 1 at 5:30 pm at Learned Pond
Sign up here to splash or help out
We invite you to donate here
Join us for a cold water dip in Learned Pond! We will explore our Lenten theme, “Out of the Waters,” by getting in the water and then (quickly!) getting out. We will raise money to help Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced people in Ukraine through the UCCs ongoing efforts there. We need people to make a splash and others to help us get warm and dry afterwards. You can also come cheer us on or make a donation. We are very grateful to the Framingham Department of Parks and Recreation and Fire Department for their gracious support by providing access to the city beach and ensuring our safety on the day of the splash!
Calling all Boards, Committees, and Teams!
Altarscapes have been a welcome new component to our worship for the past two years. Most of the “scapes” revolved around worship themes. However, others have been centered around activities such as Quilts for Kenya. If your board or committee has a topic you would like to see incorporated into an altarscape, let me know and we can see how that may be accomplished. Also, if one of our creative community members would like to be involved in helping to create them, let me know. Ideas are always welcome. You can also sign up any time to donate flowers for the chancel in memory or in honor of a loved one: tinyurl.com/chancel-flowers.
Marge Roy for the Chancel Committee
April Special Offering—Nourishing Gardens Youth Project: This month’s special offering will support a new initiative to help children learn about gardening! This is a four-way partnership between Open Spirit, Hoops and Homework, Pelham Recreation Center, and Tasty Harvest Kitchen Gardens. Our offering will support the work of Safiyat Hamiss, a gardening coach who will work with children at Hoops and Homework and Pelham Recreation Center to plan, plant, and care for raised gardens. The children develop a deeper connection with the earth, learn about gardening, and discover a love for healthy and tasty vegetables. Please give as you are able.
Administrative Requests: Church Directory and Church Keys
Directory form: tinyurl.com/2022-directory
Key inventory form: tinyurl.com/key-inventory
Help us update our paper church directory by making sure all contact information is correct. Please fill out the form above especially if you have moved or changed your phone or email. We are also updating our key inventory and collecting unused keys from anyone who is holding them. The keys we need most are the Education Building and Jonathan House. Please fill out both forms to help us get up-to-date. Thanks
Lenten Devotional 2022: Out of the Waters… Again, this year, Edwards Church is creating our own Lenten Daily Devotional, with a reflection available each day during Lent (via email and facebook). We need your creativity to keep it going through Easter! Your reflections could be in the form of a prayer, poem, paragraph, photograph, or something we have not yet imagined. Sign up here to contribute.