Welcome, 2023!
I wish to extend a very sincere thank you to everyone who helped Edwards Church Music shine this Advent, often with their own guidance as I focused on trying to learn our new technology, a continuing work in progress. From our choristers and our Morning Glory songsters, to our soloists in our big anthem “Follow That Star” (Rick R, Jane, Kelly), to On the Fence (Jane and Len, Kelly and George, and Ric), for their amazing Christmas Sunday service. For our Christmas Eve soloist Amy Plackowski and her mother who accompanied. For Cheryl and Susan, playing every service and covering for each other as needed. For those who attended my informal Christmas social gathering. It was truly a very special Christmas for us here at Edwards.
And the fun will no doubt continue in 2023. As I get the schedule fully settled, there are a few things to definitely be aware of. We will have a rehearsal on Thursday, January 5 at 7pm in the sanctuary in support of our Epiphany Service, the following Sunday. And I’ll continue my at-home Music Appreciation series with a 6:30pm class on the evening of January 12. The best way to learn more about dates as they come onto the calendar is to join my music email list, if you are not already receiving these periodic emails, usually entitled “Upcoming Music Opportunities…”
Peace be with you this new year,
Rick Seaholm, Commissioned Minister of Music
Musical Thursdays in January: 1/5 at 7:00pm, Choir Rehearsal
1/12 at 6:30pm, Music Appreciation on Zoom