Lenten Plant-Based Eating Challenge – Get some help with “eating green”!
For the Lenten season, the Green Team is encouraging you to change your food choices to make them better for the planet, for people, and for animals. The Green Team challenge is called Plant Based for Lent. Here’s how it will work. From Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday) until Easter Sunday, April 9, we encourage you to remove animal foods from as many of your meals as you can. Every Sunday, if you have successfully made a change (from going all vegan, to changing your breakfast choices, to Meatless Mondays – whatever you can accomplish), you can put an entry into our Plant-based Basket Raffle (you can win a basket with a cookbook and various vegan treats). We will pick a winner from all the entries on a Sunday after Easter. If you watch church on the stream you can still enter the raffle, just email Mary Memmott (memmottm@gmail.com) and she will add a ticket for you.
This may sound daunting, but fear not, we will be here to help you all along the way. We will host a weekly Zoom meeting with tips, tricks and suggestions, as well as answering any questions you have. Come to one or all of them. They will be held every Tuesday night from 7-7:40 p.m. on Zoom, from now until Easter. Email Laura Beck or Peggy Harrison for more info or to request our resource guides. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74393218768? (passcode 393939)