This month, I’m wearing my tech hat rather than my music hat. At Staff Meeting and Council at the end of March we concluded that our technology is coming together consistently enough nowadays that we are ready to begin the transition toward a team of volunteers who will manage the setup and breakdown on Sunday mornings, as well as the management of the streaming during services. So, in the Easter season, Nicola and I will be working with members to share the knowledge that we have developed in ourselves over the past several months. It will be quite a relief knowing that more people will know what to do on weeks when we aren’t around. You’ll see fewer choral anthems (and there will be fewer rehearsals) so that some time will be freed up for training opportunities. If you know you are interested, please contact me, Debbie, or Nicola right away. And if we approach you directly, we hope you’ll consider learning more about our functional needs. Keep an eye on upcoming emails for more information. Thank you.
Peace be with you all,
Rick Seaholm