Dear friends,
What an inspiring Lent and Easter! I am so grateful for the profound sharing in our Lenten Devotional and for the opportunity to travel together through this season. I loved sharing in a post-parade Palm Sunday communion service with our siblings from El Toque del Maestro; it reminds me of what communion is all about. I treasured the opportunity to sit with new friends and old for our Maundy Thursday service. I was thrilled to see the sun rise just as the early Easter worshipers finished singing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”. And I was overjoyed by the glorious music, the beautiful flowers, the laughter of children and the promise of resurrection in our festival Easter worship. Thank you!
As we revel in the glow of Easter, we look ahead to special worship opportunities coming up. On Sunday, April 30, we kick off a four-Sunday series called “Caring for Creation”. We welcome Rev. Noah Brewer-Wallin, Minister for Environmental and Economic Justice for the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ, to our pulpit. They will share reflections on how our faith can ground and sustain us as we struggle with the often-overwhelming realities of our climate crisis. Following our worship service, they will lead us in a conversation, hearing our hopes and concerns, offering wisdom and resources from neighboring churches. The conversation will be held in the sanctuary, so folks joining on livestream and slack will be able to participate.
The following Sundays, May 7, 14 and 21, we continue the theme with a focus on each of the elements: earth, water, and air (we’ll focus on fire a few weeks later when we celebrate Pentecost). We will lift up our connection with all of creation. As we acknowledge the depth of the climate crisis, we will also celebrate individuals and communities who are working to bring healing and change.
Then, on Sunday, May 28, we will join with our siblings at Plymouth Church for a service honoring Memorial Day. Our Open Spirit Intern, Deanne Joy, who is studying at Harvard Divinity School, will be preaching. Deanne has created a series of six quilts, each honoring the sacrifice of service people during one of six conflicts. The quilts were hung at our Veterans Appreciation Dinner last fall, and they will be featured at the City of Framingham’s Memorial Day Ceremony on May 29. In the service, Deanne will reflect on the first quilt, which honors veterans of World War I. Please note, the service will be held at Plymouth Church.
Our worship these coming weeks will continue to bring the depth and joy and hope of the Easter season as we honor our connection with all creation, as we honor sacrifices made on our behalf. I hope you can join us.
Peace, Debbie