In a time when LGBTQ+ people are facing increasing acts of hate and threats to our rights, it is more important than ever to celebrate Pride month. Join with our congregation and the wider community in two special events.
On Sunday, June 4, from 3:30-6:00 p.m., the city of Framingham will hold a Progress Pride flag-raising celebration in front of the Memorial Building. Rev. Debbie Clark will be MC, welcoming reflections from city officials, youth, and community leaders. There will be a DJ, swag, and tables for organizations we support, such as Out Metrowest.
Then, on Sunday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m., we will celebrate Pride in our worship service. We will hear stories of courage and hope. We will see inspiring photos of people we know and love. We will recommit ourselves to our Open and Affirming statement. And we will have a festive coffee hour on the lawn!