“By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Luke 1:78-79
Dear friends,
This Advent season, we face a time of great uncertainty. Unrest and violence, fear and hate, grief and loss—these are the forces of darkness that fill our ears and unsettle our dreams. We are all too aware there are places in the world where people live in fear for their lives, where children hear the sound of gun fire and bombing daily, where food and fuel are scarce, and where there is no safe place.
We know what it means to live in peace. We know what it is like to sleep soundly through the night, trusting that our children are safe and our family, homes and well-being are secure. We know what it is like to have food enough for all of us, and to know that we are safe to walk the streets in day and night. In so many times and places in this world, people don’t have this experience. Let us not take it for granted, but know how incredibly precious it is.
Peace is a treasure and it is a treasure worth working for. This Advent season, we are called to work for that peace and to be a light to others by standing with our neighbors against the horrors of war and the hatred of antisemitism and islamophobia. We are called as never before to “guide our feet into the way of peace” until peace is experienced everywhere in this world. None of us can rest easy or fully enjoy the gifts of peace until its blessings are extend to every corner of this world.
Throughout Advent this year, as we await again the arrival of God’s gift to us in a precious child born in Bethlehem, let each of us be inspired to work and pray for peace in our world.
Blessings for December,
Karen Nell