This month, Christian Explorers continue with their “Lent in a Bag” project, learning more about Lent. To prepare for Holy Week and Easter, they’ll be creating a pageant based on the book, ‘Twas the Morning of Easter by Glenys Nellist. Our youth have also started to decorate their new Project Room by painting a fresh border and making the space their own. Mark your calendar for these special events in March…
- Tuesday, March 5, middle schoolers+ will gather from Noon to 3:00 p.m. in the Project Room downstairs in Susan Dickerman Hall to watch a movie, ”The Princess Bride,” share pizza and continue making this new space feel welcome. Come for fun with friends. Please let Karen Nell know if you plan to join us!
- Sunday, March 24, we celebrate Palm Sunday and are joined by our friends from El Toque del Maestro congregation for our annual palm parade after worship.
- Sunday, March 31, is our joyous Easter service with blessings, eggs and outdoor coffee hour.
On Sunday mornings we help begin and end worship in the sanctuary. In between, we move to our own space in Sue Dickerman Hall or downstairs for stories, crafts, snacks and fun with friends. We hope you’ll join us!