Lenten Devotional 2024: Practicing…
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Again, this year, Edwards Church will create our own Lenten Devotional, with a reflection available each day during Lent (via email, Facebook, and on the website). We need your creativity to make this happen! Your reflections could be in the form of a prayer, a poem, a paragraph, or a photograph. Our theme this year is “Practicing…”
Here are a few ideas:
- Tell a story of a time you practiced hard for something.
- Talk about a practice or a habit that helps you live well (i.e. a practice of meditation, yoga, prayer, etc.).
- Send a photo or drawing of practicing something that matters to you.
- Tell a story about a “glorious failure” in your life and what you learned.
- Tell a story about learning that you don’t have to be perfect!
Each reflection includes scripture and a short prayer. Debbie and Karen Nell are happy to add those to your reflection, or you can do that yourself. If you have a picture, you might choose to have only a very few words. In general, written reflections should be 200-500 words.