When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Acts 2:1-4
Dear friends,
The followers and friends of Jesus were gathered and waiting for something to happen. Jesus had promised that someone would come to comfort and sustain them, but they didn’t know what that would mean. Scripture tells us that at Pentecost, suddenly a rush of a great wind blew through the room and tongues of fire burned above their heads. The disciples rushed out of the room and into the streets, speaking in many languages, compelled to share what they had experienced. Set on fire by the power of this life changing experience, out they went…from person to person, from street to street and home to home and neighbor to neighbor and family to family to share the Good News.
The force of the Holy Spirit can be like a fire with flames leaping across everything in its path. That’s the way it was in that first century of Christian expansion. It was like the flame of the message and the power of Jesus Christ was spreading across the whole world. It spread in the first century, from village to village, and it spread from century to century, from generation to generation… so that, even today, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are connected to that spreading fire.
This month, on Sunday, May 19, we’ll celebrate Pentecost with our own Edwards Church version of wind and flames, and a giant dove puppet, of course! We hope you’ll wear red and join in the fun. On the first two Sundays, we’ll be sharing that Pentecost fire by remembering some of Jesus’ words with his friends, and we’ll finish up the month with my annual sermon on the power of the Trinity.
Throughout May and beyond, there will many other ways the flames of the Spirit will be spread from Edwards Church! Our Justice and Love in Action team will facilitate a Mother’s Day collection of diapers; our Christian Explorers will assemble gift bags for moms at A Place to Turn; soup made by our new “soup group” will be brought to members and friends at home; we’ll continue to plan for the June World Central Kitchen benefit dinner with our friends at Plymouth Church; to name just a few. You can read more below.
Debbie plans to return with her new knee on May 1, and we give thanks for the miracle of medicine and the power of persistence and healing. Blessings for Pentecost and the holy fire that ignites our spirits to do the work of justice, love and peace.
Karen Nell