Dear friends,
Last month, I participated in Open Spirit’s program “Learning to Listen,” led by Laura Beck and Karen Nell Smith. It was thought-provoking and challenging. What does it mean to listen deeply to people with whom we disagree? How do we stand up for justice and compassion when someone speaks words that offend and hurt? I was reminded that there are no easy answers; I was challenged to keep trying anyway.
Since those sessions, I have been thinking a lot about how our faith can inform our actions in this tense and contentious time in our nation. My years of leading Bible Study have taught me that Jesus lived and preached in a tense and contentious time as well. How can his actions and words guide and inspire us?
Our fall worship theme, “Teaching for these times,” will focus on some of Jesus’ most compelling and challenging teachings, from the Sermon on the Mount. We will explore what it means to be “blessed” as peacemakers and as those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. We will struggle with Jesus’ call to love our enemies: what does it mean to name someone as an enemy, and what does it mean to love someone we believe wishes us harm? We will hear Jesus’ warning to beware of false prophets, and we will wrestle with the complexities of discerning truth in an age of information and dis-information overload. We will consider what it means to build our lives on the “rock” of our faith, a rock that Jesus defines not as a set of beliefs but as action.
That’s a lot to ponder and consider and struggle and wrestle with! That’s because there is a lot of wisdom and inspiration in Jesus’ teachings. God knows, I need all the wisdom and inspiration I can get to face this fall. I trust others feel that same need.
Before we dive into this theme, we have three special worship services coming up. On September 1, we will gather in Sue Dickerman Hall for Brunch Worship. Karen Nell has been working with Jenny Baylor to create a special service centering on the gift of sign language, focusing on the signs we have used in recent years to pass the peace. Our communion will be a simple brunch.
On September 8, we will have our annual Blessing of the Animals. This year we will gather under and around the tent in front of the office porch. On the Fence will lead us in inspiring music. Bring your beloved animal companions and/or a photo to be blessed. You are also invited to bring a photo of a beloved animal who has died for a blessing of remembrance.
On September 15, we will join in a Sacred Service of Sending Forth, as we give thanks to Karen Nell for her five years of service. It will be a bittersweet time: there is so much to be grateful for, and we will miss her so much! The choir will sing a special blessing anthem in her honor. Our Associate Conference Minister, Carol Steinbrecher, will lead us in a litany of letting go. Karen Nell will preach.
I look forward to a rich and inspiring month of September!
Peace, Debbie