In the three months that Fran Graveson has been our consulting associate pastor for faith formation, we have done a lot of consulting! We have held gatherings for parents; we have welcomed Rev. Debbie Gline-Allen, Conference Minister for Faith Formation, to lead us in worship and talk with us about our emerging vision; we have even met to plan “craft boxes!” With wise and caring support from Fran G, we have developed a plan for the coming months. As always, it is a work in progress; as always, we will do meaningful and inspiring ministry as we evolve.
Our plan involves three parts:
Sunday mornings: On the first Sunday of each month, our worship will be intergenerational, with an expanded message for young people, a craft in the tent, and Holy Communion. On second Sundays, after bringing in the light and a message, our young people will join Ms. Myrna in Sue Dickerman Hall for a lesson and craft. On third Sundays, they will be in worship with a craft in the tent. On fourth Sundays, we will have a guest or lay preacher, and Debbie Clark will join the young people in Sue Dickerman Hall for a lesson.
Service projects: Our hope is to offer an after-church opportunity for people of all ages to participate in a service project once a month. Some will be in our hall; others might involve a field trip. We will go on a family-based mission trip to Providence, Rhode Island, on March 21-23. We will be working with Incredible Days. There will be an after-church meeting for any families interested in attending on Sunday, January 12.
Opportunities for deeper conversation with older youth: Once we get in the rhythm of our new model, we hope to offer periodic Youth Forum opportunities, led by Ron DeLossa, so our older youth have a space to reflect on our faith as we live it in our world.
Our plan relies on lots of congregational participation. We are grateful to Myrna Phelps for her faithfulness and passion for teaching, and to Rob DeLossa who has agreed to be our coordinator/point person and to lead the youth forum. We have hired Maya Alvarado, a Framingham State University developmental psychology student, and we’re planning to hire another one to assist us on Sunday mornings and ensure our youngest ones have the support they need. And we need:
- A congregational volunteer for each Sunday, to help with class and/or at the pray ground. You don’t need to prepare anything; just come and enjoy our amazing young people.
- A group to meet periodically to plan and prepare “craft boxes” for each Sunday’s theme. (Note: This group will meet after Brunch Worship on December 29 to assemble craft boxes for January, and would love more hands!)
- A group to meet periodically to plan and support monthly service projects. (Note: A group will gather for pizza in Natick after the combined Epiphany service and discussion to get us started with some winter projects. All are welcome!)
If you are able to help, please speak with Debbie or with Rob DeLossa.