Whether we are in the tent or in Sue Dickerman Hall, each and every Sunday we have fun at Edwards Church. And we invite you to join us! Will you volunteer to be our Second Adult with the youth on Sundays?
The activity is pre-planned and organized. You can just join the fun and ensure we have enough helping hands to keep everyone safe and busy.
In November, Lee Ann Friedman joined us to bake cookies. She was more than happy to describe her experience.
Lee Ann, how was your experience baking cookies?
“Lending a helping hand for Children’s Worship is its own reward. Because I am not a project planner for this event, I can relax, assist and relate. The mixed age children’s group is so very interesting. The kids are outgoing and upbeat. One doesn’t have to worry about how to talk to them. The children initiate conversations! Hazel, age 3, will walk right up and begin talking. This is an amazing group of children. I find that being part of this group as they work on a project generates happiness in me.”
Well, the reviews are in! The cool adults are with the youth on Sundays. If you can join us one Sunday, please sign up at this link: Second Adult Sign Up