Welcome! Thank you for perusing Edwards Church’s website. We hope it will give you a feel for who we are. We hope you will come on a Sunday morning or to a special event. Or come by the office for a cup of tea and a conversation. We’d love to get to know you.
Here’s a bit about who we are:
- We are a Christian community, members of the United Church of Christ. We try to follow Jesus and to live out our faith in our everyday lives. We believe faith is a life-long journey, and we value the opportunity to walk together.
- We are people from diverse spiritual backgrounds. Some of us are deeply rooted in the Christian faith. Some are new at this, exploring, wondering, learning. All of us appreciate a community where we can ask questions, struggle honestly, make mistakes, and keep trying.
- We are people who care about one another and who love to welcome new friends. We like to eat together, sing together, pray together, garden together, and learn together. We invite you to join in at your own pace, in your own way.
- We are an open-hearted, open-minded community. We celebrate the diversity of creation. We value each person for who they are, and we treasure the gifts they bring.
- We are an Open and Affirming Congregation, welcoming and affirming the gifts of people of all races, ages, religious backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, economic backgrounds and the gifts of people with differing abilities.
- We are a Christian congregation that honors the wisdom of other faith and spiritual traditions. We founded and host Open Spirit: A Place of Hope, Health & Harmony, a multi-faith center for holistic healing and bridge-building.
- We are people who long to make a positive difference in the world. We are grateful for a community that enables us to do so. We do our best to stand up for what we believe is right. We use our resources to help people in need and our voices to speak out for a more just and loving society.
- We are a creative community. We love music of all kinds, and we are inspired by the musicians in our congregation who offer their gifts so freely. We explore new models for worship and new ways to help our children and youth grow in faith.