Lenten Plant-Based Eating Challenge – Get some help with “eating green”! For the Lenten season, the Green Team is encouraging you to change your food choices to make them better for the planet, for people, and for animals. The Green Team challenge is called Plant Based for Lent. Here’s how it will work. From Wednesday, […]
The Edwards Church Green Team
Preliminary, non-timely information about the program in general will go here (it's found in Archive Intro Text under Categories).
Kermit’s Corner: February
Plant Based For Lent For our Green Team challenge this year, we have chosen Plant Based for Lent. You can choose to participate as much or as little as you can. The more you lean into the challenge, the more the positive impact you will have on the environment, your own health, animals, world hunger […]
Kermit’s Korner
February Book Discussion & Reflection on 2022’s New Green Habits It’s winter, time for a good book. The Green Team invites you to read The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee and join our book discussion (in person and on zoom) on Monday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m. The Green Team took stock […]
Kermit’s Corner: December
I attended the Blessed Tomorrow/UCC Climate Ambassador Training on Nov 5. In the introduction, the leader said, “Climate change is a moral issue.” That really struck me. (You know me–an animal activist, who talks quite a bit about plant-based eating.) I thought, “Duh…climate change IS a moral issue, just like animal activism.” I had made […]
Kermit’s Corner
This month’s Kermit’s Korner is a resource for your holiday celebrations, with examples of menu items that will tickle your tastebuds, while at the same time, protecting the planet and your health! I have included foods you can buy and simple “recipes”, which are tweaks to classics. All of my suggestions are vegan, many […]
Kermit’s Korner: Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Usage
Last month, Kermit’s Corner discussed the effects of plastics on the environment and communities. We promised to give you some suggestions on how you personally can help minimize the use of plastics in your own life. The first thing we can do is be aware of packaging which is plastic’s largest market. When purchasing goods […]
Kermit’s Korner
What’s Wrong with Plastic? The answer is overwhelming and multifaceted so we cover just a small portion of them here. The real beginning of synthetic plastic on our planet was in 1907 with the creation of Bakelite by Belgian inventor Leo Baekeland. He used fossil fuels as a replacement for whale oil and other […]
Kermit’s Corner
Recently I had a thoughtful conversation with Susan Cleveland about her current endeavor, sewing women’s hats. How does that fit into Kermit’s Corner? She is making Cloche hats, reusing men’s ties as her fabric! Obtaining neckties from secondhand stores, donations from friends, online purchases and rummage sales she has a colorful & diverse inventory of […]
Kermit’s Korner: Compost
All About CompostThis month the Green Team is following the lead of Energize Framinghamto promote composting—whether in a backyard pile, in your kitchen with a worm bin, or in a curbside container picked up by Black Earth Compost, the private compost pick-up service available in Framingham and many neighboring communities. In the US, we throw […]
Kermit’s Korner: Earth Day
Keep Framingham Beautifulkeepframinghambeautiful.org facebook.com/groups/keepframinghambeautiful “Keep Framingham Beautiful” is a community of folks who live or work in Framingham and want our city to be as beautiful as possible. Their mission is, “Taking action to make Framingham a cleaner, greener, litter-free place to live, work, and play.” Several church members participate in the group, including Joe Hudock who […]