On December 1, a Christmas tree will grace Sue Dickerman Hall to usher in the Advent season. In addition to picking up your Christmas Wreath that Sunday, you are invited to bring an ornament to hang on the tree ~ something that’s meaningful to you or your family to share with the congregation during Advent […]
Christian Education at Edwards Church
At Edwards Church, faith is a journey, not a destination. Our Faith Formation program is based on the belief that each person is gifted by God. All are welcomed with open hearts and open minds into a safe and judgement free environment. Faith is developed through relationships, (both peer to peer as well as intergenerational), biblical stories, and mission oriented experiences in the church, local, and global community. Our goal: we each develop a faith that will carry us through life.
Children are the representation of God’s Love
One of the most important things to the people of Edwards Church is welcome. In that spirit, children are always welcome in the life of the church, and one way you will notice this is at the communion table. We make sure that children of every age are present at God’s table, fully invited and encouraged to partake in this special meal. The church school program helps children understand the meaning as well as how to participate in this sacrament that honors our Christian heritage.
We are a church of diverse people, living in families of many different configurations, and our shared focus is to help our children experience God’s unconditional Love. We accept children as they are: sometimes sweet and cuddly, sometimes grumpy and temperamental, the bold and outspoken ones will fit in here just as much as the shy and quiet. We welcome children who prefer baseball caps and mermaid fins or anything else their imagination might conjure up, as well as kids who prefer tutus over tuxes, and everything in between. Our mostly volunteer staff are amazingly skilled and passionate about honoring the energy, intelligence, and imagination of children in their care. They use biblical storytelling and open-ended questions to help children find their own meaning, learn how to ask their own questions, and go home with a sense of awe and wonder about God. In addition, our church helps provide families with age-appropriate outreach and service learning opportunities to help children learn the values of love, welcome, kindness and compassion that will serve them throughout their lives.
Children are always welcome in worship, and we celebrate their presence with us. There are many options for families who worship with us, some of those include children’s sermons, Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, and youth forum. We also offer many intergenerational worship services throughout the year that are fun for all ages! If you are new to the church or are visiting, please let a greeter or a deacon know so we can help your family get acquainted with our staff and facilities, or email pastor@edwardschurch.org and we will happily answer your questions!
Our 2023 Annual Report is available, and you will find our latest activities below.
Christmas Wreath Sale
Help us raise funds to support youth ministries here at Edwards Church. You can purchase a twelve-inch wreath with a classic red or cranberry bow. Consider spreading the holiday cheer and order an extra wreath for your friends! We will take orders during coffee hour on November 17, 24, and December 1. Pick up your […]
Christian Education October
This fall has been full of many happy events. We welcomed Rev. Karen Nell, blessed backpacks, and brought our pets to church for an outdoor service complete with a picnic. Coming up, there are more fun things on the calendar. We will continue to cook, explore, and taste test yummy food as we continue with […]
Christian Explorers September
As summer vacations begin to blend into fall programs, big things are happening in our Christian Explorers classrooms! The teachers have been cleaning and re-arranging, getting ready for the new program year. This fall, we will be focusing on Jesus the Foodie! That’s right, we’ll get to study Jesus and play with our food at […]
July Christian Education
This summer is rockin’ for our kids and youth! We’re off to Synod with four youth to learn what the governing body of the National Church is all about! When we return, there will be two intergenerational services this summer, one led by Youth@Synod attendees. The little kids are all set with some amazing teachers […]
June Christian Education
The Youth of Edwards Church would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Dessert Auction. We made over $700 and we could not have done it without you! Thanks so much for your support of our youth. The youth trip to Synod is getting close, just one month away! […]
Connecting Generations
Dear friends, At our congregational meeting last month, we spent a few minutes reflecting on our Lenten theme, “Connecting Generations.” Many folks talked about the gifts we received during that season: Moving stories told in our daily devotional; Pew Partnerships that helped adults and children get to know each other; our Confirmands sharing in worship […]
May Christian Education
Greetings from the faith formation team! We are excited to announce that we have a group of youth who will be taking the trip to Milwaukee this summer to participate in the Youth@Synod event. They will learn about how the UCC governs itself and will even be invited to participate in the process. There will […]
Values Embodied
Dear friends, Every Sunday something powerful and holy happens here at Edwards Church. Occasionally, there are Sundays that stand out in the way they embody our values. This Sunday, April 28, is one of those. The morning begins with an invitation from the Green Team to walk, bicycle or carpool to church as an expression […]
April Christian Education
Pew Partners: What is it? You may have heard some people talking during church or church meetings about the idea of Pew Partners. But what is this and what does it mean? During Lent, we’ve begun an experiment where we have connected families with young children to an adult mentor. These mentors are invited to […]