We had a great turn-out at our Family Fun Night and Spaghetti Dinner, with approximately thirty people and one dog in attendance. There was great food, lots of fun, and great conversation where we got to know each other a little bit better. Thanks to everyone who joined us. Coming up in November, the Christian […]
Christian Education at Edwards Church
At Edwards Church, faith is a journey, not a destination. Our Faith Formation program is based on the belief that each person is gifted by God. All are welcomed with open hearts and open minds into a safe and judgement free environment. Faith is developed through relationships, (both peer to peer as well as intergenerational), biblical stories, and mission oriented experiences in the church, local, and global community. Our goal: we each develop a faith that will carry us through life.
Children are the representation of God’s Love
One of the most important things to the people of Edwards Church is welcome. In that spirit, children are always welcome in the life of the church, and one way you will notice this is at the communion table. We make sure that children of every age are present at God’s table, fully invited and encouraged to partake in this special meal. The church school program helps children understand the meaning as well as how to participate in this sacrament that honors our Christian heritage.
We are a church of diverse people, living in families of many different configurations, and our shared focus is to help our children experience God’s unconditional Love. We accept children as they are: sometimes sweet and cuddly, sometimes grumpy and temperamental, the bold and outspoken ones will fit in here just as much as the shy and quiet. We welcome children who prefer baseball caps and mermaid fins or anything else their imagination might conjure up, as well as kids who prefer tutus over tuxes, and everything in between. Our mostly volunteer staff are amazingly skilled and passionate about honoring the energy, intelligence, and imagination of children in their care. They use biblical storytelling and open-ended questions to help children find their own meaning, learn how to ask their own questions, and go home with a sense of awe and wonder about God. In addition, our church helps provide families with age-appropriate outreach and service learning opportunities to help children learn the values of love, welcome, kindness and compassion that will serve them throughout their lives.
Children are always welcome in worship, and we celebrate their presence with us. There are many options for families who worship with us, some of those include children’s sermons, Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, and youth forum. We also offer many intergenerational worship services throughout the year that are fun for all ages! If you are new to the church or are visiting, please let a greeter or a deacon know so we can help your family get acquainted with our staff and facilities, or email pastor@edwardschurch.org and we will happily answer your questions!
Our 2023 Annual Report is available, and you will find our latest activities below.
Wednesday Bible Study Continuing Luke
Weds., Oct. 10 and 24, 4:30pm soup; 5:00pm study Last year, the Wednesday evening Bible Study group began an in-depth study of Luke’s gospel. We asked questions, pondered paradoxes and imagined how we would have responded if we had been there. This year, we continue our focus on Luke. Luke’s gospel brings special attention to […]
Christian Explorers Get Moving!
Our Christian Explorers are off to a great start! We had many children and youth at the Blessing of the Animals service. We were excited to have two new families visit us during this month. We packed sandwiches for Worcester Fellowship. Our Sunday Morning leaders have decorated their rooms and begun working on the Lord’s […]
Family Ministry News
It’s been quite a busy summer with people of all ages participating in our Christian Education programs! We’ve helped water the herb garden; we’ve been experimenting (and playing) with science and water throughout the summer. Do you know how many drops of water fit on a penny? What does that have to do with God? […]
Bible Study: Gospel of Luke
Wednesdays, September 12 and 26 Last year, the Wednesday evening Bible Study group began an in-depth study of Luke’s gospel. We asked questions, pondered paradoxes and imagined how we would have responded if we had been there. This year, we continue our focus on Luke. Luke’s gospel brings special attention to Jesus’ concern for the […]
Summer Education Plans
Greetings and Peace to you all from Christian Education! It is my fourth day on the job here as interim director, and I am so humbly grateful for this opportunity to be a part of the ministry we share with our youth and families. I am so happy to be a part of a church […]
BOCE Changes
Change is afoot! With my departure coming up quickly, leadership changes are happening in our Christian education and faith formation programs. I would first like to welcome our two new board members, Cindy Sweeney and Rob Delossa. Cindy comes to us with years of serving on many committees in the church including BOCE. Rob is […]
Pentecost Parade
The church year marches on! After a joyous Palm Sunday and Easter, May is approaching, and with it, the summer (hopefully!). The highlight of the month is Pentecost, this year on May 20. During worship, we will have a “mini parade” as usual, featuring our larger than life dove, representing the Holy Spirit. After worship, […]
The Road Ahead
We’re going into the home stretch in the program year for our children and youth faith formation, and what a joyful time we’ll have! After Easter, our children will learn about Jesus’s resurrection, and soon after, Pentecost. Over the summer we’ll be planting and caring for the children’s herb garden in front of the office […]