Together! This past month, we learned about the Holy Spirit by cooking communion bread over a grill, and we celebrated Pride Sunday by painting mosaic tiles for our garden. This summer at Edwards Church each Sunday, Christian Explorers will spend time together learning more about God and Jesus, doing crafts and service projects, and enjoying […]
Ministry of Spiritual Life
Christian Explorers
Christian Explorers had a busy May as we focused on caring for the earth, counted the coins in our penny jar, made mud pie cookies, and planted our herb garden for the season. We decided to donate $200.75 from the penny jar collection to the OAIC Trees for Life project, helping to plant trees in […]
Christian Explorers, May 2023
Celebrate Earth! What a joyous Easter we had last month! Christian Explorers took a StoryWalk, collected blessing eggs, and started preparing for their herb garden. In May, we continue our celebration of God’s creation with these activities for Christian Explorers… Earth, water, air and fire. How do we find God in all these essential elements of […]
Christian Explorers April
Traveling Together Toward Easter! We’ve traveled together toward Easter in the past month, learning more about what it means to follow Jesus. April brings us to Holy Week and reminds us of the miracle of the resurrection. We’ll explore how God’s love offers us new life and how we can join in bringing that message […]
Christian Explorers February
Traveling Together Toward Easter! This month we continue learning about what it means to follow Jesus. Being a disciple means learning to pray, thinking about other people, listening carefully, and working together. All during Lent, Christian Explorers will focus on what Jesus taught us about these things. We’ll also help the congregation to celebrate Holy […]
Christian Explorers February
Lent Begins! Lent begins in February. It’s a time when we get ready for the coming of Easter. As followers of Jesus, this year we’re preparing by learning about some of the traditions of our faith. What does it mean to be a “disciple” and walk in Jesus’ footsteps? How do we pray and learn […]
Christian Explorers!
First Followers! Advent kept us busy preparing for the Christmas Eve pageant, this year with puppets. Thank you to everyone who donated toilet paper and paper towel rolls!! This month is the season of Epiphany, a time in the church calendar when we celebrate and recognize all the signs that show us Jesus as God’s […]
Christian Explorers December
The Journey to Bethlehem Edward Church rocks…come rock with us! After a busy November, we find ourselves at the beginning of Advent, the time of preparation for Christmas. Christian Explorers will help during worship by bringing in and out the light and collecting the offering. Each Sunday, we’ll focus on a different part of the […]
Christian Explorers
GRATEFUL! October found us back in the sanctuary and experimenting with moving to Sue Dickerman Hall for time together during worship. There, we made beautiful stained glass windows, learned about how the church tells time, and had fun at the annual Trunk or Treat event. This coming month, we’ll be focusing on all the […]
Christian Explorers October 2022
Returning to Indoor Worship In October, Christian Explorers will return to worship indoors. On the first Sunday of each month, we’ll be participating in the sanctuary with our families for communion and a craft at the Tent of Meeting. On other Sundays, we’ll bring in the light to begin worship, then move to Sue Dickerman […]