Edwards Church Christian Explorers have been busy waving flames of the spirit, blowing bubbles, creating “God’s Eyes,” writing thank you notes, and more. Packages arrive each week with a project or craft, something to think about and the invitation to learn more about God’s love and Jesus’ message. Join us through Zoom, letters, email and […]
Ministry of Spiritual Life
June Christian Explorers
Edwards Church Christian Explorers have been busy learning about God’s love and Jesus’ example by drawing sidewalk art, having adventures with fuzzy friends, writing “love letters” to folks who are sick or lonely, doing crafts, and learning new songs at Sunday School! We have lots planned for the coming weeks. Each week, Christian Explorers […]
Christian Explorers
Christian Explorers learn more about Jesus’ teachings this month as we focus on the Gospel of Matthew. Starting with the Beatitudes at our Intergenerational Service, come to discover what Jesus has to say about being “salt and light,” and how to deal with anger. The season of Epiphany comes to an end with story of […]
Christian Explorers
In January, our Christian Explorers start by worshipping with our friends from Plymouth Church in an intergenerational Epiphany service on January 5. Then we will celebrate some of the big events in Jesus’ life starting with his baptism. We’ll meet his closest friends, the disciples, and learn from them about what it means to be […]
Christian Education in December
On December 1, a Christmas tree will grace Sue Dickerman Hall to usher in the Advent season. In addition to picking up your Christmas Wreath that Sunday, you are invited to bring an ornament to hang on the tree ~ something that’s meaningful to you or your family to share with the congregation during Advent […]
Christmas Wreath Sale
Help us raise funds to support youth ministries here at Edwards Church. You can purchase a twelve-inch wreath with a classic red or cranberry bow. Consider spreading the holiday cheer and order an extra wreath for your friends! We will take orders during coffee hour on November 17, 24, and December 1. Pick up your […]
Christian Education October
This fall has been full of many happy events. We welcomed Rev. Karen Nell, blessed backpacks, and brought our pets to church for an outdoor service complete with a picnic. Coming up, there are more fun things on the calendar. We will continue to cook, explore, and taste test yummy food as we continue with […]
Christian Explorers September
As summer vacations begin to blend into fall programs, big things are happening in our Christian Explorers classrooms! The teachers have been cleaning and re-arranging, getting ready for the new program year. This fall, we will be focusing on Jesus the Foodie! That’s right, we’ll get to study Jesus and play with our food at […]
July Christian Education
This summer is rockin’ for our kids and youth! We’re off to Synod with four youth to learn what the governing body of the National Church is all about! When we return, there will be two intergenerational services this summer, one led by Youth@Synod attendees. The little kids are all set with some amazing teachers […]
June Christian Education
The Youth of Edwards Church would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Dessert Auction. We made over $700 and we could not have done it without you! Thanks so much for your support of our youth. The youth trip to Synod is getting close, just one month away! […]