Dear friends, At our congregational meeting last month, we spent a few minutes reflecting on our Lenten theme, “Connecting Generations.” Many folks talked about the gifts we received during that season: Moving stories told in our daily devotional; Pew Partnerships that helped adults and children get to know each other; our Confirmands sharing in worship […]
Ministry of Spiritual Life
May Christian Education
Greetings from the faith formation team! We are excited to announce that we have a group of youth who will be taking the trip to Milwaukee this summer to participate in the Youth@Synod event. They will learn about how the UCC governs itself and will even be invited to participate in the process. There will […]
Values Embodied
Dear friends, Every Sunday something powerful and holy happens here at Edwards Church. Occasionally, there are Sundays that stand out in the way they embody our values. This Sunday, April 28, is one of those. The morning begins with an invitation from the Green Team to walk, bicycle or carpool to church as an expression […]
April Christian Education
Pew Partners: What is it? You may have heard some people talking during church or church meetings about the idea of Pew Partners. But what is this and what does it mean? During Lent, we’ve begun an experiment where we have connected families with young children to an adult mentor. These mentors are invited to […]
The Wisdom of Crowds
Dear friends, Each year, during Lent, we offer a Daily Devotional, with reflections written by church members and friends. This year’s reflections, based on the theme “Connecting Generations,” seem exceptionally profound. They reveal the power of intergenerational relationships to enrich and transform our lives. Here are a few excerpts: “During my adolescent years, dad and […]
Our Intergenerational Community
Dear Friends, We live in a culture that increasingly separates people by age groups. Children (and adults) play sports with others in their own age group. Senior housing, while offering many benefits, can isolate older adults from other groups. As our society becomes more mobile, many grandparents find themselves far away from their grandchildren. We […]
March Christian Education
Christian Education has lots of happy things planned for February! The early elementary class will be exploring the story of Jesus’ baptism throughout February. On February 8 at 5:30pm, we will gather in Susan Dickerman Hall for an intergenerational game night, complete with board games and Chinese food! Bring your favorite board game and come […]
February Christian Education
Christian Education has lots of happy things planned for February! The early elementary class will be exploring the story of Jesus’ baptism throughout February. On February 8 at 5:30pm, we will gather in Susan Dickerman Hall for an intergenerational game night, complete with board games and Chinese food! Bring your favorite board game and come […]
Confirmation: The Journey Begins
Dear friends, Over the next four months, you will periodically see a few youth from Plymouth (along with Rev. Will Tanner) rushing into our church after worship, or a few youth from Edwards (along with me) rushing out. That’s because we are beginning a shared Confirmation Class. Two young men from Plymouth will join with […]
Holywood Studios: It’s a Wrap!
The children, teachers, and the Board of Christian Education would like to thank you for your support of our Holywood Studios Video Pageant Premiere. We thought this year would be the year to try something new, and we learned a whole lot doing it. All of the kids had a great time putting the pageant […]