Dear friends, Trumpets! Organ! Introits! Lilies and daffodils and tulips! Easter eggs half-hidden in the pews! Throw-back bonnets! Smoky clothing from standing near the fire-pit at sunrise! A flowering cross carried in by Nils Arnheim! When I think of Easter at Edwards Church, I think of all these things. Mostly, I think about all the […]
The following is an extract from Pastor Debbie's most recent annual report. Current posts by Debbie appear at the bottom of this page.
As our grace at a recent dinner with friends, each of us shared something we are grateful for and something for which we hope. “I am grateful,” I began, “that almost every day I get to do something that makes a difference. I hope that somehow all our individual efforts can come together to make a bigger difference.”
It was the first thought that came to mind. In the days that followed, I realized how much my gratitude and hope emerge from being part of Edwards Church. Through our church, I get to do things that make the world a better place—in small ways and large. Through our church, I find hope that all our individual efforts really can come together to transform and heal our world.
From the time I started as pastor here, almost 22 years ago, I have known that what we do as a church matters deeply—to the individuals who are part of the church, to the wider community, and to our world. This past year, it has felt especially true. We need Edwards Church. The city of Framingham needs Edwards Church. The world needs Edwards Church. In this troubled and divided world, Edwards Church offers sanctuary, healing and comfort, opportunities to live out our passion and compassion, and new models for being church.
There are so many reasons to be grateful and hopeful. I am grateful for the sanctuary we offer, and hopeful for the ways we will continue to widen the circle. I am grateful for all the ways we offer comfort and healing, and hopeful that God’s healing spirit works through and beyond us. I am grateful for the opportunities we have to make a difference, and hopeful that we can find new ways to work together with other communities. I am grateful for our openness to new ways, and hopeful that we can be a model to inspire others.
I am grateful for each person in our congregation: for our gifted and dedicated staff, for our officers and board and committee and team members, for people who usher and greet and welcome and bake, for people who crochet and drive and pray and sing. I am hopeful that in the coming year we will deepen our faithfulness, our caring for one another, and our compassion and passion for justice.
Rev. Dr. Deborah L. Clark
Important Changes in Worship
Dear Friends, What a week this has been! Every day, we have heard more news about the spread of COVID-19, and more advice about how to prevent getting sick and spreading germs to others. We have been advised to practice “social distancing.” In a community of people who care about one another and rejoice in […]
Dear friends, By the first weekend in January, the decorations have begun to come down, dried-up Christmas trees are on the front curb awaiting trash pick-up, and the post-Christmas sale rush is over. Just when we think things are getting back to normal, it’s time for another joyous celebration! On Sunday, January 5th, we will […]
Miraculous Giving
Dear friends, A few weeks ago, in worship, Karen Nell told our young people the story of Jesus changing water into wine. One girl asked, “Was it magic?” “No,” Karen Nell replied. “It’s not magic. It’s a miracle—God working through Jesus with the power of love.” And then she turned their attention from the biblical […]
A Fourth of July Reflection
Dear friends, One of my most vivid memories of the Fourth of July is an evening spent on the National Mall in Washington DC. It was 1987, and I was doing a summer internship at First Congregational Church in Washington, D.C. The church was deeply committed to living out our faith in the wider world. […]
Anniversary Thanks
Dear friends, What a glorious surprise! Thank you for the very special celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of my ordination. It means so much to me. The litany the deacons led was beautiful. It was especially powerful to have the entire congregation offer me the blessing that I am privileged to offer you as the […]
Connecting Generations
Dear friends, At our congregational meeting last month, we spent a few minutes reflecting on our Lenten theme, “Connecting Generations.” Many folks talked about the gifts we received during that season: Moving stories told in our daily devotional; Pew Partnerships that helped adults and children get to know each other; our Confirmands sharing in worship […]
Values Embodied
Dear friends, Every Sunday something powerful and holy happens here at Edwards Church. Occasionally, there are Sundays that stand out in the way they embody our values. This Sunday, April 28, is one of those. The morning begins with an invitation from the Green Team to walk, bicycle or carpool to church as an expression […]
The Wisdom of Crowds
Dear friends, Each year, during Lent, we offer a Daily Devotional, with reflections written by church members and friends. This year’s reflections, based on the theme “Connecting Generations,” seem exceptionally profound. They reveal the power of intergenerational relationships to enrich and transform our lives. Here are a few excerpts: “During my adolescent years, dad and […]
Our Intergenerational Community
Dear Friends, We live in a culture that increasingly separates people by age groups. Children (and adults) play sports with others in their own age group. Senior housing, while offering many benefits, can isolate older adults from other groups. As our society becomes more mobile, many grandparents find themselves far away from their grandchildren. We […]