Romans 12:9-18; Luke 12:22-34 I already knew what I was going to order–an omelet with avocado, sauteed onions, black olives and extra goat cheese. I was looking forward to it. Even more, I was looking forward to catching up with my brunch companion, Jenny Baylor. I knew she had made a recent job change to […]
The following is an extract from Pastor Debbie's most recent annual report. Current posts by Debbie appear at the bottom of this page.
As our grace at a recent dinner with friends, each of us shared something we are grateful for and something for which we hope. “I am grateful,” I began, “that almost every day I get to do something that makes a difference. I hope that somehow all our individual efforts can come together to make a bigger difference.”
It was the first thought that came to mind. In the days that followed, I realized how much my gratitude and hope emerge from being part of Edwards Church. Through our church, I get to do things that make the world a better place—in small ways and large. Through our church, I find hope that all our individual efforts really can come together to transform and heal our world.
From the time I started as pastor here, almost 22 years ago, I have known that what we do as a church matters deeply—to the individuals who are part of the church, to the wider community, and to our world. This past year, it has felt especially true. We need Edwards Church. The city of Framingham needs Edwards Church. The world needs Edwards Church. In this troubled and divided world, Edwards Church offers sanctuary, healing and comfort, opportunities to live out our passion and compassion, and new models for being church.
There are so many reasons to be grateful and hopeful. I am grateful for the sanctuary we offer, and hopeful for the ways we will continue to widen the circle. I am grateful for all the ways we offer comfort and healing, and hopeful that God’s healing spirit works through and beyond us. I am grateful for the opportunities we have to make a difference, and hopeful that we can find new ways to work together with other communities. I am grateful for our openness to new ways, and hopeful that we can be a model to inspire others.
I am grateful for each person in our congregation: for our gifted and dedicated staff, for our officers and board and committee and team members, for people who usher and greet and welcome and bake, for people who crochet and drive and pray and sing. I am hopeful that in the coming year we will deepen our faithfulness, our caring for one another, and our compassion and passion for justice.
Rev. Dr. Deborah L. Clark
Isaiah 6:1-8; Luke 5:1-11 The picture was unambiguous–God seated on a high and lofty throne. Isaiah knew exactly what he was seeing. He knew exactly what he was hearing: the singing of the heavenly host, and then the voice of God calling him. Isaiah had many questions about this calling: why would God choose him? […]
Confirmation: The Journey Begins
Dear friends, Over the next four months, you will periodically see a few youth from Plymouth (along with Rev. Will Tanner) rushing into our church after worship, or a few youth from Edwards (along with me) rushing out. That’s because we are beginning a shared Confirmation Class. Two young men from Plymouth will join with […]
Epiphany at Plymouth
Dear friends, By the first weekend in January, the Christmas decorations have begun to come down, dried-up Christmas trees are on the front curb awaiting trash pick-up, and the post-Christmas sale rush is over. Just when we think things are getting back to normal, it’s time for another joyous celebration! On Sunday, January 6th, we […]
The Traditions of the Season
Dear friends, As we enter into the season of Advent, we enter a season of tradition. Traditions ground us in a rapidly changing world. They bring us together in a world that is increasingly isolating. They remind us of the meaning of Christmas in a time when shopping and stress can take over. At their […]
Beauty Beyond What We See
Psalm 65; Philippians 4:4-9 “Remember,” the gentle, soft-spoken Buddhist monk began, “last time I asked you to practice focusing your awareness on your lustful thoughts. Did you notice your lustful thoughts this week?” I looked across the half-circle of meditation students and saw the startled faces of two newcomers. I imagined what they might have […]
Response to Threats at Hemenway School
Dear friends, Over the last few weeks, the news on TV has been overwhelming. Along with many of you, I have struggled to know what to do with my outrage, distress and fear at acts of hatred and terror in places that are supposed to be safe. This week the news has hit home. Two […]
Stewardship 2018: An Oasis of Hope
Dear friends, A few weeks ago, our Stewardship Team gathered for our first meeting. Amy Hendrick, Scott Cleveland, Sandy Thompson, Joann Sewell, Nicola Seaholm and I ate gazpacho as we talked about what inspires us to give to Edwards Church. We talked about trust and transparency: we have input into how the church uses our […]
Who We Are and What We Value
Dear friends, Sunday, September 23 was a very full day! In worship, we rededicated our newly restored historic organ. Cheryl Elkins, our organist, played glorious prelude, postlude and offertory, choosing music that could not have been played on our organ a few months ago! Our young people joined us in a re-dedication litany, and the […]
Wednesday Bible Study Continuing Luke
Weds., Oct. 10 and 24, 4:30pm soup; 5:00pm study Last year, the Wednesday evening Bible Study group began an in-depth study of Luke’s gospel. We asked questions, pondered paradoxes and imagined how we would have responded if we had been there. This year, we continue our focus on Luke. Luke’s gospel brings special attention to […]