Join us in-person or using this Livestream link:, passcode 393939 Our theme for the Advent season is Tending the Light. As we light the candles of hope, peace, joy and love, we will reflect on how we nurture those gifts. December 1, 10 am – First Sunday in Advent; Intergenerational Communion Lighting […]
Worshipping at Edwards Church
Join us in person or on live-stream every Sunday at 10 am. For live-stream, click here.
On Sundays, we praise God for the wondrous gifts we have been given. We sing with joy and listen to the word of God to understand what it means in our daily lives. Our creative gifts– music, drama, art, stories, and poetry–are shared to inspire and uplift us. Once a month we serve Communion, which is open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds.
In Worship most Sundays, before children go to Christian Explorers, there is a special message for the Young People. Our children join us again for the end of worship. On the first Sunday of each month, young people remain in the sanctuary, with a special message, a craft in our Tent of Meeting, then sharing in Holy Communion with their families.
For very young children, we have small activity packs with crayons, located as you enter the Sanctuary.
We have periodic special worship services including an outdoor service, jazz and poetry themes, special music at Christmas and Easter, and periodic combined services with Plymouth Church.
We hope you will join us!
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
Join us in-person or using this Livestream link:, passcode 393939 Sunday, November 3, 10 am – All Saints Communion Worship Hebrews 12:1-2 “A Great Cloud” We will worship as an Intergenerational Community, honoring the gifts we receive from our cloud of witnesses. Sunday, November 10, 10 am – Stewardship Emphasis 1: What we […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
Join us for Sunday Morning Worship, in-person or using this Livestream link:, passcode 393939. “Teachings for these Times: Inspiration from Jesus” Sunday, October 6, 10:00 a.m. World Communion Sunday Matthew 6:7-15 “Our Daily Bread” We will worship as an Intergenerational Community, with breads from around the world! Sunday, October 13, 10:00 […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
Note: On Sunday, September 8, we will have a special worship service. If you would like to join us online, please use this zoom link instead of our regular live-stream: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 816 1680 9836 Passcode: 393939 Please note that outdoor and Sue Dickerman Hall worship will be using a Zoom […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
Join us in-person or using this Livestream link:, passcode 393939 Our fall worship theme, “Teaching for these times” will focus on some of Jesus’ most compelling and challenging teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. Sunday, September 1, 10:00 a.m. — Brunch Worship Join us for informal worship in the Sue Dickerman Hall, with […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
You can join in-person or on livestream., passcode 393939 Sunday, June 2, 10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion; Honoring Graduates Selections from Psalm 139; Luke 19:1-10, “A Meal of Becoming” Sunday, June 9, 10:00 a.m. – Honoring the Ministry of Music Selections from 2 Corinthians 4, “In Clay Jars” Sunday, June 16, […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Livestream)
You can join in-person or on livestream., passcode 393939 May 5, 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, “Words with Friends, Part I” John 15:1-8, “Nourished from the Source,” The Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark Preaching May 12, 10:00 a.m. “Words with Friends, Part II” John 15:9-17, “Befriended,” The Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark Preaching May […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Live-Stream)
Our worship theme during this Easter season is “Practicing Resurrection.” You can join in-person or on livestream., passcode 393939 April 7, 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion Our young people will lead us in an Easter pageant. April 14, 10:00 a.m. The Just Peace Players will lead the service, using stories and drama to […]
Our Lenten theme is “Practicing…” Throughout this season, we reflect on practices of our faith, how they shape and transform our lives. March 3, 10:00 a.m. – “Practicing…” Holy Communion Practicing forgiveness Rev. Dr. Karen Nell Smith preaching March 10, 10:00 a.m. – “Practicing…” Practicing compassion Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark preaching March […]
Sunday Morning Worship (In-Person and Live-Stream)
Sunday Morning Worship Sundays at 10:00am, In-person and via Livestream, passcode 393939 Join us every Sunday morning in our sanctuary or on livestream. Our theme for January and early February is “Living the Kin-dom.” We will explore what it means to be part of ushering in the Kin-dom of God’s Love by living […]