11:00am: Join us in the sanctuary for a simple, reflective service as we enter into the season of Lent. Followed by a simple, joyous soup lunch in Susan P. Dickerman Hall. 7:00 pm: Our confirmands and mentors will share in leading an evening Ash Wednesday service at Plymouth Church, involving prayer stations.
Worshipping at Edwards Church
Join us in person or on live-stream every Sunday at 10 am. For live-stream, click here.
On Sundays, we praise God for the wondrous gifts we have been given. We sing with joy and listen to the word of God to understand what it means in our daily lives. Our creative gifts– music, drama, art, stories, and poetry–are shared to inspire and uplift us. Once a month we serve Communion, which is open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds.
In Worship most Sundays, before children go to Christian Explorers, there is a special message for the Young People. Our children join us again for the end of worship. On the first Sunday of each month, young people remain in the sanctuary, with a special message, a craft in our Tent of Meeting, then sharing in Holy Communion with their families.
For very young children, we have small activity packs with crayons, located as you enter the Sanctuary.
We have periodic special worship services including an outdoor service, jazz and poetry themes, special music at Christmas and Easter, and periodic combined services with Plymouth Church.
We hope you will join us!
One Great Hour of Sharing
Sunday, March 31 The Board of Wider Mission will be taking a special collection for One Great Hour of Sharing. When you participate in the offering you become a partner in the refugee, disaster relief, and community development efforts of the United Church of Christ. Envelopes will be included in the March 31 bulletin and […]
Easter Flowers: Early Signup
Place your order on Sundays March 3 and March 11 There will be a signup sheet for Easter flowers on the glass case on the way to coffee hour. You can order Easter lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, or tulips at $7.00 per plant. You can dedicate them in honor or in memory of someone. The flowers […]
Lenten Devotionals 2019
Connecting Generations: Nurturing a Spirituality of Intergenerational Relationships Throughout the season of Lent, we will offer a daily devotional, through email, Facebook, our website and in print (copies will be available for pick-up each Sunday). We need your creativity to make this happen! Please consider submitting a reflection in the form of a prayer, poem, […]
Sunday, March 3, 2019 Worship
We will welcome Fran Graveson to our pulpit. Fran is pastoral intern at Open Spirit this year, where she has focused on building our Multi-Faith Collaborative project.
Sunday, February 24, 2019 Worship
This second in our series will offer inspiration from Chris Hendrick’s journey along the Appalachian Trail. Chris will share in worship leadership preaching a sermon called “Just Be” based on Psalm 121 and Matthew 14:13a. Be sure to stay after worship for his slide show! The choir will reflect on Chris’ journey with “Let Us […]
Sunday, February 17, 2019 Worship
Pastor Debbie Clark’s sermon, “Blessed”, will be based on Jeremiah 7 and Luke 6:17-26. Join us at 10am! Seeds of Grace is scheduled for 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, February 10, 2019 Worship
We will hear inspiration from Jenny Baylor’s work as a teacher at Beverly School for the Deaf. The choir will sing a setting of the familiar Irish tune “Be Thou My Vision”. Scriptures are from Romans 12:9-18 and Luke 12:22-34. Reminder: Annual meeting is immediately after church and all are invited. (From the February 2019 […]
Lenten Planning Pizza Party
Sunday, February 10 at 5:30pm at Nikos Like pizza? Like hanging out with creative people? Like strengthening intergenerational connections? Then join us for pizza at Nikos! We will plan our Lenten theme, “Connections: Strengthening Intergenerational Relationships.” Musicians, educators, writers, deacons, folks who like pizza―all are welcome!
Sunday, February 3, 2019 Worship
We’ll celebrate Holy Communion with readings from Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11 and Debbie’s sermon “Called”. The choir will sing favorite anthem “Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether.” Join us at 10am!