As we move into our busy fall season, we are reminded of our parking challenges. If you are able to walk up from the lower lot or (better yet!) the Stapleton School lot, please make a practice of parking in one of those two lots on Sunday mornings! You’ll get a little Sunday morning exercise, […]
Worshipping at Edwards Church
Join us in person or on live-stream every Sunday at 10 am. For live-stream, click here.
On Sundays, we praise God for the wondrous gifts we have been given. We sing with joy and listen to the word of God to understand what it means in our daily lives. Our creative gifts– music, drama, art, stories, and poetry–are shared to inspire and uplift us. Once a month we serve Communion, which is open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds.
In Worship most Sundays, before children go to Christian Explorers, there is a special message for the Young People. Our children join us again for the end of worship. On the first Sunday of each month, young people remain in the sanctuary, with a special message, a craft in our Tent of Meeting, then sharing in Holy Communion with their families.
For very young children, we have small activity packs with crayons, located as you enter the Sanctuary.
We have periodic special worship services including an outdoor service, jazz and poetry themes, special music at Christmas and Easter, and periodic combined services with Plymouth Church.
We hope you will join us!
Sunday, August 12, 2018 Worship
A Thought for Reflection “My theme song is God’s love and justice.” Psalm 101:1 (Message translation) GOD GATHERS US Prelude Greetings and Announcements Passing of the Peace Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you. (We invite you to turn to your neighbors and greet them.) Call to […]
Easter 2018
Palm Sunday 2018
Summer Music Plans
Following our final choir service of the year, someone said to me, “Now you get to start planning it all over again!” How astute they were, because as the choir takes a break for a few months, my work shifts to a heavier focus on the administrative planning that will alleviate autumnal stress as […]
Season of Thanks
As we wrap up our choral season at Edwards Church, I stand as ever in awe at the commitment made year after year by these fine volunteers I call my friends. It’s been an amazing year with many new anthems, many special services, and several opportunities for guest musicians to join the fun throughout the […]
Mothers’ Day Music
On May 13, we will have special music for violin and cello, featuring our own Jane Ezbicki, and Marian Levinstein, who joined us this past fall. They will accompany the choral anthem, and plan to provide chamber music with piano at other points in the service. The following week, Cheryl returns to the organ as […]
Easter Thanks from Chancel Committee
Thank You! The Chancel committee would like to thank all those that purchased flowers for Easter to help decorate the sanctuary. Pentecost Geraniums Pentecost Sunday is on May 20 this year. We will be collecting money towards the purchase of two large geraniums to be planted in the barrels outside the Sanctuary. The money will […]
A Chance to Help Our Music Program
One of the great treasures of Edwards Church is our Tracker organ, which was built in 1852 and installed in our sanctuary in 1905. Unlike most other instruments, which remain essentially unchanged after manufacture with only slight modifications, if any, over the course of its life, each organ may undergo dramatic changes depending on the […]
The Missing Alleluia
Did you ever notice that our service music (those little bits we sing that aren’t hymns or anthems) changes during the year? Ever wonder why? Well, one particular musical slot, the Call to Prayer, is completely at the whim of the choir director. Sometimes it might coincide with the season or a particular phrase from […]