Worshipping at Edwards Church
Join us in person or on live-stream every Sunday at 10 am. For live-stream, click here.
On Sundays, we praise God for the wondrous gifts we have been given. We sing with joy and listen to the word of God to understand what it means in our daily lives. Our creative gifts– music, drama, art, stories, and poetry–are shared to inspire and uplift us. Once a month we serve Communion, which is open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds.
In Worship most Sundays, before children go to Christian Explorers, there is a special message for the Young People. Our children join us again for the end of worship. On the first Sunday of each month, young people remain in the sanctuary, with a special message, a craft in our Tent of Meeting, then sharing in Holy Communion with their families.
For very young children, we have small activity packs with crayons, located as you enter the Sanctuary.
We have periodic special worship services including an outdoor service, jazz and poetry themes, special music at Christmas and Easter, and periodic combined services with Plymouth Church.
We hope you will join us!
Sunday, April 16: Live at 10am
Easter Sunday, April 9: Live at 10am
Upcoming Worship
Holy Week and Easter Season Sunday, April 2, 11:00 a.m. * “Traveling Together Toward Easter—Part VI”—Palm Sunday.“The Journey Becomes a Parade” Please note the later time (11:00 a.m.) for our worship, so we can join with our friends from El Toque del Maestro for our Palm Sunday parade at noon! We will celebrate communion outdoors, […]
Sunday, April 2: Live at 11am
Sunday, March 19: Live at 10am
March Worship
Lent 2023: Traveling Together Toward Easter March 5 at 10:00am—Holy Communion; Intergenerational Worship; Traveling Together Toward Easter, Part II, Luke 19:1-10 “I’m going to your house today,” Rev. Dr. Karen Nell Smith & Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark March 12 at 10:00am— Traveling Together Toward Easter, Part III; Mark 9:14-29 “Wounded Healers,” Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark […]
Live at 10am
Lenten Worship
February 22, Ash Wednesday—“Unpacking for the Journey” At 12:00pm, Join us in the sanctuary for a reflective service, with music by Jane Ezbicki, followed by a soup lunch in Sue Dickerman Hall. At 7:30 pm, Join us on Zoom for a simple, reflective worship service. February 26 at 10:00am—Hybrid Worship Traveling Together Toward Easter: Part […]
Ash Wednesday Evening Service
February 22, Ash Wednesday—“Unpacking for the Journey” At 12:00pm, Join us in the sanctuary for a reflective service, with music by Jane Ezbicki, followed by a soup lunch in Sue Dickerman Hall. At 7:30 pm, Join us on Zoom for a simple, reflective worship service at https://zoom.us/j/111990636 (password 393939)